Incremental changes compound to big differences over time.

And it is arguable no department function feels this more keenly than ‘purchasing’.
A little saving here, a little saving there. It all shows in your bottom line.

Specialist purchasing skills are invaluable. Problems arise, however, when the category being purchased is increasingly global in nature, has a direct impact on the customer or consumer and is accelerating in new technologies. 

This is about understanding what the best decision is for the company.
Take logistics for example.

The potential to gain competitive advantage through logistics partnerships is massive. If they are the ‘right’ partnerships.

Logistics firms offer services and solutions of every flavour. With no true insight into your individual strategic objectives, they’ll offer the full suite. A procurement professional but without experience in logistics, could be forgiven for being overwhelmed.
With no real benchmark to measure against it is tempting for them to look at ‘price’ alone or maintain a more relationship-based purchasing strategy.

It often results in contracts not fit for purpose.

An Appreciation Of The Whole

Hewes Supply Chain Services Ltd can help bridge the gap between the skills of procurement and knowledge of logistics.

We have an appreciation of the whole.

The key deliverables of a procurement professional – strategic in outlook, great stakeholder management, strong negotiation skills, risk management, champion of sustainability, financial sensitivity etc. Along with the ability to understand and maintain corporate governance around RFx processes and the utilisation of e-sourcing platforms.

With the experience of a logistics specialist – the newest technologies, customer expectations, competitive awareness, evolution of industry etc.

We have the ability to distill operational requirements with internal processes fast – optimising relationships with internal and external stakeholders. The result is cost-effective and fit-for-purpose supplier selection. We can then implement the change ensuring continuity of approach and ownership of deliverability.

When an organisation harnesses this ability they can truly have the best of both worlds. A subject matter expert working within the centralised procurement framework.

For Competitive Advantage

With the acceleration of new technologies and increasing complexity of large scale operations, procurement departments have to think smart.

The competition is fierce. It is no longer acceptable just to maintain existing logistics partnerships if they don’t give you an edge.

You have to lead, not follow.

To take the reins of competitive advantage and create true alignment in your supply chain – get in touch with Hewes Supply Chain Services Ltd today.